Home Cards astronomer's views background &X&X& marked false Page Pict :PHYSSIZE Solar Flares "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f.mov showNameProp Solar Flares Binary Stars "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Binary_s. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Binary_s.mov showNameProp Binary Stars "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\great_w. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\great_w.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Binary_s. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Binary_s.mov showNameProp 4sendPage buttonUp buttonUp sendPage Help on running the movies.... marked false Page Pict :PHYSSIZE "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_ga. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_ga.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\waves. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\waves.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Black_Ho. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Black_Ho.mov showNameProp Black Hole "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Black_Ho. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Black_Ho.mov showNameProp Black Hole Gravity Waves "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\waves. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\waves.mov showNameProp Gravity Waves Great Galactic Wall "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_ga. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_ga.mov showNameProp Great Galactic Wall "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Black_Ho. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Black_Ho.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_ga. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_ga.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\waves. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\waves.mov 4sendPage buttonUp buttonUp sendPage Help on running the movies.... "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Black_Ho. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Black_Ho.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_ga. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_ga.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\waves. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\waves.mov marked false :PHYSSIZE Page Pict Stars and Suns Einstein's famous equation led to a revolution in astronomy, physics, cosmology, and to the construction of our best models of the complex, counter-intuitive machinations of Space and Time in the universe. One of the first resolutions of a timeless question to emerge was how the stars shine. Stars shine by the process of nuclear fusion, which causes Hydrogen to break down into more complex elements, as predicted by Einstein's theories. The precise sequence of events and rate of energy production of this incredible energy engine were worked out by Hans Bethe, who first presented his work on the subject in 1939, and eventually won the Nobel Peace Prize in Physics in 1967. We are presenting The Astronomer's views animations for demonstration purposes only. The KCET Public Television derived imagery, (expertly compiled into Apple's new QuickTime format by Jim Woolum) should not be used for any publication purposes in the manner of the other clip-art. See next card for Jim's information about the copyrights and who to credit for the various contents. Home Cards --ConvertIt!: the following Ucould xbe translated ( ^names): -- HyperTalk: Reset emoved sized handler may need tweaking: windowMoved leaveBook windowMoved leaveBook windowMoved dontSearch false Bg Pict :PHYSSIZE sharedText false textHeightProp Beta Jupiter w/sound 8"\pc\sta.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \pc\sta.tbk showNameProp false New Button :PHYSSIZE New Button buttonUp buttonUp showNameProp false New Button :PHYSSIZE New Button buttonUp buttonUp showNameProp false marked false Page Pict :PHYSSIZE Global System of Large Arrays "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\VLBI. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\VLBI.mov showNameProp Global System of Large Arrays Very Large Radio Telescope "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_T. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_T.mov showNameProp Very Large Radio Telescope Very Large (telescope) Array "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_A. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_A.mov showNameProp Very Large (telescope) Array "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_A. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_A.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\VLBI. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\VLBI.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_T. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_T.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_T. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_T.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_A. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_A.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\VLBI. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\VLBI.mov Very Large Radio Telescope "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_T. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\very_L_T.mov showNameProp Very Large Radio Telescope 4sendPage buttonUp buttonUp sendPage Help on running the movies.... member when viewing the movies, the points in the 3D celestial map are GALAXIES, not stars. marked false Info on who to credit on the Astronomers series of VCR tapes: The Astronomers series was produced by KCET Public Television of Los Angeles, made possible by the W. M. Keck Foundation and KCET Public Television, distributed by Pacific Arts, Copyright 1991 Community Television of Los Angeles. A few extremely brief flashes of video are used here for educational purposes and to demonstrate a new, emerging tech- nology that is rapidly transforming the educational experience as we know it. For information on purchasing all or part(s) of "The Astronomers" video tape series, contact KCET at 1 (800) 776-8300. The VCR tapes are manufactured and distributed by Pacific Arts. 1991 Community Television of California; KCET/Los Angeles Call 1 (800) 776-8300 for information on purchasing these fascinating, educational mind-and-world-expanding video tapes. Page Pict :PHYSSIZE i of our best models of the complex, counter-intuitive machinations of Space and Time in the universe. One of the first resolutions of a timeless question to emerge was how the stars shine. Stars shine by the process of nuclear fusion, which causes Hydrogen to break down into more complex elements, as predicted by Einstein's theories. The precise sequence of events and rate of energy production of this incredible energy engine were worked out by Hans Bethe, who first presented his work on the subject in 1939, and eventually won the Nobel Peace Prize in Physics in 1967. 54632 8[->YL!$ @9G*b5 #!5|' ZD6z92 marked false :PHYSSIZE Page Pict Cosmic phenomena We have to use a lot of imagination to visualize the various cosmic events, no matter through which medium we learn about them. But, as with many difficult concepts, animated views are usually the most informative and make it easier to understand the issues involved. Understanding the phenomena we illustrate in this stack, such as: black holes, gravity waves and the great galactic wall is certainly made a bit easier by being able to view them illustrated in motion, even in this small size. marked false :PHYSSIZE Page Pict Evolve into Gaia, Wave forms and Going Nova! are sample animation clips developed by Josepha Haveman from her own space fantasy paintings. Pictures with motion are a superb way to show the occurence of events. Even the preliminary clip 'Earth's birth" shows more clearly how planets evolved from the coalescence of matter than could be shown in any still images. Unfortunately Apple brought out the QuickTime media option at the very close of our development cycle for this project, so a few examples is all we can include in this volume. We certainly hope to do a follow up volume in which we can illustrate the cosmological concepts in this animated form; perhaps as "clips-art"! he farthest edge of our solar system, are very difficult to see at any time. Planets in other systems wouldn't reflect enough light to reach us, and we must find them by inference. For instance we might find gravitational anomalies that could only be caused by large orbiting bodies. This method has been quite effective in the discovery of many new moons orbiting planets in our own neighborhood. marked false :PHYSSIZE Page Pict Evolve into Gaia, Wave forms and Going Nova! are sample animation clips developed by Josepha Haveman from her own space fantasy paintings. Pictures with motion are a superb way to show the occurence of events. Even the preliminary clip 'Earth's birth" shows more clearly how planets evolved from the coalescence of matter than could be shown in any still images. Unfortunately Apple brought out the QuickTime media option at the very close of our development cycle for this project, so a few examples is all we can include in this volume. We certainly hope to do a follow up volume in which we can illustrate the cosmological concepts in this animated form; perhaps as "clips-art"! marked false :PHYSSIZE Page Pict The planets of our own solar system are the only ones we know exist. It is logical to assume that a large percentage of the billions of stars in each galaxy have planets in orbit around them, but we have yet to spot one. Planets are only visible because of the starlight they reflect, making even the farthest planets in our own solar system extremely difficult to see. A planet that happens to be very reflective and orbits closely around a star, such as our Venus, appears extremely bright to us at close distance; other planets that huge, though farther from the star, such as the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, also appear bright in our sky and are easy to spot when they orbit within visual range. Neptune, Uranus and especially Pluto, on the farthest edge of our solar system, are very difficult to see at any time. Planets in other systems wouldn't reflect enough light to reach us, and we must find them by inference. For instance we might find gravitational anomalies that could only be caused by large orbiting bodies. This method has been quite effective in the discovery of many new moons orbiting planets in our own neighborhood. &54632 #"&54632 ^U21U (&&(n #"&54632 ..... >vwn>| marked false Page Pict :PHYSSIZE Solar Flares "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f.mov showNameProp Solar Flares Binary Stars "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Binary_s. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Binary_s.mov showNameProp Binary Stars "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\great_w. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\great_w.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Solar_f.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Binary_s. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Binary_s.mov showNameProp :PHYSSIZE Bg Pict marked false We are presenting The Astronomer's views animations for demonstration purposes only. The KCET Public Television derived imagery, (expertly compiled into Apple's new QuickTime format by Jim Woolum) should not be used for any publication purposes in the manner of the other clip-art. See next card for Jim's information about the copyrights and who to credit for the various contents. marked false :PHYSSIZE Page Pict Cosmic phenomena We have to use a lot of imagination to visualize the various cosmic events, no matter through which medium we learn about them. But, as with many difficult concepts, animated views are usually the most informative and make it easier to understand the issues involved. Understanding the phenomena we illustrate in this stack, such as: black holes, gravity waves and the great galactic wall is certainly made a bit easier by being able to view them illustrated in motion, even in this small size. showNameProp Solar Flares Binary Stars 4movieiD (movieID QTMovie Direct, #OpenMovie, Windoid, "Binary Stars", \ deepest, noController, dontPaintWhite, closeOnFinish buttonUp movieID INQTMovie movieID Direct movieiD buttonUp INQTMovie Binary Stars closeOnFinish dontPaintWhite noController deepest Windoid OpenMovie showNameProp Binary Stars Page Pict marked false :PHYSSIZE Page Pict Networking telescopes. Method of extending our reach and view of the galaxy by establishing special arrays of telescopes of various kinds. Placed in groups over a widespread area, or even around the globe on different continents and working in tandem as if they are one instrument, these telescopes can focus on a much larger area of space than they could each working by themselves. These telescopes range from California and Chile to Russia and Australia. 6OpenMovie, Windoid, "Binary Stars", deepest, noController, dontPaintWhite, closeOnFinish scriptState HyperTalk :PHYSSIZE Page Pict astronomer's views background Toolbook's editor would xaccept translated because error(s) translation. --ConvertIt!: removed unsupported adjective: short (the hc_Name lexpression used zmay need tweaking: JcardName no conversion THERE IS A operator, try writing OpenScript functions: -- HyperTalk: there "help hc_Hide following Ucould ^names): Reset sized handler windowMoved dontSearch false Bg Pict :PHYSSIZE New Button :PHYSSIZE New Button buttonUp buttonUp showNameProp false New Button :PHYSSIZE New Button buttonUp buttonUp showNameProp false Eco-graphics 8"BookShlf.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp BookShlf.tbk showNameProp false 8"\pc\STA.tbk. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\STA.tbk.tbk marked false "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\great_w. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\great_w.mov Page Pict :PHYSSIZE "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_W. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_W.mov showNameProp Great Galactic Wall "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\great_w. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\great_w.mov showNameProp Great Galactic Wall positioning of wall slice "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\ buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\position.mov showNameProp positioning of wall slice "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_W. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_W.mov positioning of wall slice "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_W. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\Great_W.mov showNameProp positioning of wall slice "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\great_w. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\great_w.mov f showNameProp Help on running the movies.... 4sendPage buttonUp buttonUp sendPage Ucould ^names): HyperTalk: , dontPaintWhite, closeOnFinish showNameProp positioning of wall slice YSSIZE Page Pict cvtitInfo Created by: ConvertIt! v1.5 Creation date: 11/17/92 astronomer's views scriptState HyperTalk 15,15 System System background_field,4,181,13,3 background_field,5,184,16,4 background_button,1,178,normal,5 background_button,2,179,normal,12 background_button,3,185,normal,19 card,1,2835,0 card,2,5130,1 card,3,5095,2 card,5,7937,3 card,7,7766,4 card,9,8787,5 card,11,10652,6 card,13,4461,7 background,2,5520,1 background_button,1,2,normal,0 background_button,2,3,normal,7 background_button,3,4,normal,14 card,4,6902,8 card_button,1,1,checked,0 card_button,2,2,checked,1 card,6,5808,9 card_button,1,4,checked,0 card_button,2,8,checked,1 card_button,3,9,checked,2 card,8,7578,10 card_button,1,1,checked,0 card_button,2,3,checked,1 card,10,6142,11 card_button,1,1,checked,0 card_button,2,2,checked,1 card_button,3,3,checked,2 card,12,11215,12 card_button,1,2,checked,0 card_button,2,3,checked,1 card_button,3,4,checked,2 card_button,4,6,checked,3 card_button,5,10,normal,4 card,14,6563,13 card_button,1,2,checked,0 card_button,2,4,checked,1 card_button,3,7,checked,2 bgIDList resFactors Created by: ConvertIt! v1.5 DLL Version: 1.5 of Apr 28 1992 11:33:15 Creation date: 11/17/92 marked false Page Pict :PHYSSIZE Wave forms "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f.mov showNameProp Wave forms Going Nova! "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv.mov showNameProp Going Nova! Earth's birth "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb.mov showNameProp Earth's birth Page Pict :PHYSSIZE "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv.mov :PHYSSIZE Click on OK (here) and then click on movie name When playing a movie this window will appear:: Click on the "Play" button, and "File" Exit to return.. other movies.......other movies. 4sendPage buttonUp buttonUp sendPage This is only a demo screen and not a playable moviee .....10 +%54&#" #5354&#" #"543> #&"#" #"&54632 D1_gfZ58"p /m/U4*SP 0 q@9D A.>;:987 =+*=3 %Fv/7 v?A7>* 4=-;:3%$ "5463265 #"543> #"&'74&#" [lsQ'A marked false :PHYSSIZE Page Pict The Great Galactic Wall sequence was based on the work of two trailblazing astronomers named Margaret Geller and John Huckra, of the Harvard/ Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass. These two scientists are making the first 3D celestial map in history. This map is based on optical data and readings, rather than background radiation. [To see the immense natural galactic structures inherent in the cosmos, click the "Great Wall" button on the next card - and see if you can pick out the "the little man" formation.] In the continuing construction of this revolutionary map, the scientists select uncharted areas from existing 2D celestial maps, then take a "snapshot" of a small section (the location is prechosen - each "slice" of space is mapped as a giant wedge with our planet being the anchor point, and as the work progresses additional adjacent wedges are painstakingly measured and added). [You can see a PC adding a new slice to the map by selecting the 'positioning of wallslice' button on next card] Hukra takes these snapshots to a 60 inch telescope at Mt. Hopkins, Arizona, and locates those particular galaxies to measure their distance(s) from earth. Back at Cambridge, Geller then adds the new data to their computer model on a PC, and the resulting 3D graph (as shown in the two QuickTime movies you'll see here) shows for the first time that there is structure (rather than the symmetrical randomness expected from existing cosmological models) to the arrangement and positions of the galaxies we can see at this time. Why these galaxies cluster (into the most massive natural structures now known to humankind), we don't know - gravity doesn't explain attraction over hundreds of millions of light years. Remember when viewing the movies, the points in the 3D celestial map are GALAXIES, not stars. -- Translated too large: placed Conversion Report Book. -- The following handlers were added HConvertIt!, are necessary -- support the translated scripts -- Needed f, but had a possible conflict (try uncommenting): hc_FromPage thePoints HResFactor VResFactor numPoints outPoints pointCount "," & hc_FromPageV hc_GetButtonHilite objectSpecifier myStyle myChecked myInvert hc_Hide " && " && && " myObject") " && hc_ObjectCount objectType, parentRef objCount myObjects theObject hc_Show " && " && && " " && fieldID showNameProp hc_Name theName arget theLab hc_Visible theVis mPageV hc_GetButtonHilite hc_FromPage hc_ObjectCount hc_Name hc_FromPageV hc_Visible hc_Name hc_Visible hc_FromPage pointCount outPoints numPoints VResFactor HResFactor thePoints hc_FromPageV VResFactor HResFactor thePoint hc_GetButtonHilite checkbox,radiobutton myInvert myChecked myStyle objectSpecifier hc_ObjectCount theObject myObjects objCount parentRef objectType hc_Name button group showNameProp theLab theName hc_Name hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group marked false Page Pict :PHYSSIZE Wave forms "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f.mov showNameProp Wave forms Going Nova! "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv.mov showNameProp Going Nova! Earth's birth "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb.mov showNameProp Earth's birth Page Pict :PHYSSIZE "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\earth_sb.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\wave_f.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\going_nv.mov 4sendPage buttonUp buttonUp sendPage Help on running the movies.... "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\gas_gian. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\gas_gian.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\miranda_. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\miranda_.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\lunar_su. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\lunar_su.mov showNameProp "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\lunar_su. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\lunar_su.mov "\pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\saturn_s. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_runtime\player.exe \pc\movies\saturn_s.mov vmXJFA63JDD @4J}l }|inxaf^JM[LV1&,o[` v}~us {j`u[X eh}jjqZ_pZdYBE& +!5qk szm]]p\\ qkaR^fRS?+, &4 x 6 in &3 x 5 in background field background fields record field record fields draw object draw objects paint ?N@NANBNCNDNENFNGNHNINJNKNLNMNNNONPNQNRNSNTNUNVNWNXNYNZN[N\N]N^N_N`NaNbNcNdNeNfNgNhNiNjNkNlNmNnNoNpNqNrNsNtNuNvNwNxNyNzN{N|N}N~N z06304 #06307 #06312 #06316 #06323 #06326 #06332 #06335 #06343 #06351 #06353 #06354 #06359 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